
A list of some of the articles I've written.

June 11, 2022

Should lawyers learn to code?

Should lawyers learn to code? This question has been popping up more and more often in the legal milieu as tech clients and products abound. The answer, typical of a lawyer, is "it depends".

December 22, 2020

Online DNA Databases: The Beginning of the End of Genetic Privacy?

Most people hold a high expectation of privacy in their genetic makeup. However, the advent of technology allowing for the commercialization of DNA and the ability to look up someone's genetic profile on the internet is making it increasingly difficult to keep our genes private.

March 14, 2019

(In French) « On ne naît pas femme, on le devient » : L'impact du genre grammatical dans la langue de molière

Cette dissertation porte sur l'intersection entre la langue et les droits des femmes et des personnes non binaires. Elle explore l'impact que la langue que l'on parle peut avoir sur notre perception de ces gens et de leurs droits.